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Freshen Up The Home for Spring

Freshen up the home for SPRING with room inspiration + 6 items that every room can use to give a freshened look! Easy Inspirational ideas by @Jenna_Burger,

Yes, there is still snow on the ground.  Yes, the temps are still only in the 30s.  But it’s officially SPRING!

It has been a looooong winter with a cycle of sickness that our party of 5 can not seem to break out of.  Thankfully, with 50s in the forecast for later this week I am feeling happy + hopefully that Spring is on it’s way and that of course means I am feeling the itch to freshen up our home for Spring.

As Spring starts to spring (hehe) and we begin the process of coming out of hibernation, it organically feels like the best time of year to freshen things up.  To bring in the spirit of the season, here are some of my favorite spaces for Spring that I am pulling inspiration from…


Living Room, Dining Room, and Bedroom spaces filled with a white backdrop + pops of coral, tangerine, yellow, and turquoise – all perfect hues for Spring leading into Summer. Images via HomeditFreshen up the home for SPRING with room inspiration + 6 items that every room can use to give a freshened look! Easy Inspirational ideas by @Jenna_Burger, www.jennaburger.comA dreamy desk for any gal!  via m{pression

Freshen up the home for SPRING with room inspiration + 6 items that every room can use to give a freshened look! Easy Inspirational ideas by @Jenna_Burger,

Light & airy is ideal for Spring!  Fresh pops of color in greens & blues makes this breakfast nook so inviting by Heather of At the Picket Fence.

Freshen up the home for SPRING with room inspiration + 6 items that every room can use to give a freshened look! Easy Inspirational ideas by @Jenna_Burger,

More color + texture in the breakfast room by YHL.

Freshen up the home for SPRING with room inspiration + 6 items that every room can use to give a freshened look! Easy Inspirational ideas by @Jenna_Burger,

White + black + layers of color make this a favorite space of mine for Spring.  Black can be intense, but when incorporated in small doses, it can give incredible depth to a room! This amazing space was created by the gals of Classy Clutter.

Freshen up the home for SPRING with room inspiration + 6 items that every room can use to give a freshened look! Easy Inspirational ideas by @Jenna_Burger,

Master Bedroom with soft hues + floral by Hi Sugarplum.

Freshen up the home for SPRING with room inspiration + 6 items that every room can use to give a freshened look! Easy Inspirational ideas by @Jenna_Burger,

And of course, Spring means flowers and a home filled with flowers of the season is incredibly warm + inspiring…

via BHG

Freshen up the home for SPRING with room inspiration + 6 items that every room can use to give a freshened look! Easy Inspirational ideas by @Jenna_Burger,

For even more inspirational spaces decorated for Spring, you must check out my favorite Pinterest board, Inspirational Spaces & Vignettes!

Freshening up doesn’t mean go out and buy more!  Seasonally, I may snag 1 or 2 new great decor items (that I can’t live without), but I often recycle / restyle what I have on hand to create new vignettes (who really wants to buy more + spend more $$$).  It’s amazing how moving things from one room/space to another makes them look like new!

If you are on the search (or want to shop your home) for a few new things for Spring, every room can come together in a snap with these 6 perfect picks

1 / Pillows bold hues mixed with softer Spring tones will make your sofa perfect for season.
Try hues of coral, pink, mint, and gray for a refreshing pick-me-up.

2 / Mirrors the perfect layer to make a space feel larger. 
Try one large mirror on a wall or a collection in varying sizes.

3 / Vases from the mantel to the coffee table to the desk, one vase filled with your favorite flowers or a collection in multiple tones, vases are a beautiful + inexpensive way to update a space & give depth, height, and color.

4 / Curtains changing up curtain panels for the season can give a room an instant update.  From heavy herringbone for the winter to a light & airy floral, a space can feel like Spring in no time & for little money.  On a tight budget? DIY new curtain panels (give this tutorial a whirl) or try using a flat sheet in a pattern you love.

5 / Plants whether real or faux (as long as it looks good), plants or flowers instantly give a fresh look + feel to a space.

6 / Trays my love for trays will never die. I am a tray addict (I have way too many & all are my favorite) because they are not just functional, but give color + texture + interest to a space or vignette.  A tray can break up a vast coffee table surface or can help keep a bedside table organized with books, reading glasses, and more.

Here are my 6 must-have layers for the Spring season in action…

Freshen up the home for SPRING with room inspiration + 6 items that every room can use to give a freshened look! Easy Inspirational ideas by @Jenna_Burger,

Resources: Paris Map Wooden Tray / Diamond Wooden Tray / Geometric Tray / Floral Print Pillow / Nate Berkus Embellished Printed Pillow / Graphic Print Pillow / Velvet + Linen Pillow / Taped Solid PillowPurple Vase / Mercury Vase / Textured Glass Vase / Climbing Vine Curtain / Pink + Orange Ikat Curtain / Wood Circle Mirror / Capiz Mirror / White Orchid / Succulent / Faux Fiddle Fig

Whether you prefer a minimal modern lamp or a traditional print in paisley, these 6 favorite accessories will absolutely create the layers for a freshened space for Spring.  Whether the living room, family room, or bedroom, these items are ideal to make any room in the home instantly come together – you won’t go wrong.

How I Get Inspired + Finding ‘Me’ Time

Disclosure: The post is part of the social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group, All You, and Real Simple but all opinions are my own, #pmedia #SpringintoMeTime”

Manageable + Realistic ways to carve out 'me time', get inspired & renew your life...

Happy Monday my friends!  It is early, early on this first day of the week, but I am feeling ready to tackle the days ahead. The Mister & I got away this past weekend and even though it was for a mere 24 hours, taking a step away from the everyday was exhilarating + rejuvenating!

We’re often pulled in so many directions that carving out time for ourselves – me time – can be a struggle.  Our care + needs are often put on the back burner, while we put much of our time & attention on our children. From the moment I wake around 6am I am on the move, not only getting myself ready, but dressing my 3 kids, making lunches, preparing breakfast, and making sure all is set for the day.  A little before 9 we’re all out the door – kids to school, the baby to the sitter (a few days a week), the mister to work, and me to meet clients. After a full day on the road, the routine of mom mode begins again around 4 and by the time the kiddos head to bed at 8, I am pooped & don’t last much longer. On a daily basis, the hustle & bustle around the homestead leaves really no time for relaxing, quietness, and rejuvenating. That being said, I wouldn’t change one minute of it all, because my family is everything to me.

As I mentioned earlier in the year that for 2015 my focus is to live more with intention.  I’ll tell you, it hasn’t been easy, but that’s life and I feel if I keep it my focus at the forefront of my mind, at least I am working on it and that is something to be proud of.  I am continually trying to work towards strengthening myself and to do that, I’m realizing that it means carving out time for me.  The time away this weekend really showed me that I will be a better + stronger person for myself + others if I take more time for me.

For my job as a designer & blogger, I have to continually be inspire. Even though I find inspiration in the everyday beauty that surrounds me, I often have blinders on with so many distractions.  My eyes just can’t capture it all and I am missing what’s beautiful – big and small.  Carving out me time to get inspired, is important to stay fresh and on top of my game – physically, emotionally, and mentally.

As the mister and I got away from the everyday daily grind to focus on ourselves and each other, we realized we hadn’t been out together by ourselves in over 10 months, which is crazy. We went away to one of our favorite B & Bs about an hour away and laughed  + talked as were dating again.  It was so enjoyable and mind clearing.  And we relished in the quietness.  We actually drove home completely quiet and we both loved it. It was great to just clear the mind and take in the beauty of my surroundings.  I was inspired by so much around me.  The architecture.  The people. The smells. The food.  I just soaked up the many details all around…

Finding inspiration in the beautiful details around us. A few photos I snapped while at the Red Lion Inn in Stockbridge, MA… so many details.  so much beauty!

During our downtime I got some moments to flip through the pages of Real Simple, one of my favorite magazines, that I picked up at Target last week before our trip.  There were of course some delicious looking recipes that I am dying to try, but also some inspirational articles on creating beautiful spaces.

Ways to find inspiration & Renew your life...

It got me thinking and I immediately snagged my notepad to jot down some ideas on what I am going to start doing for myself… thoughts on what I want to focus on.

1. Schedule my Time Better.  We’re all pulled in 92 directions at the same time and I rarely say no (#1 should really be to learn how to say no more), but I want to become better at scheduling my time by creating realistic work – home hours. I’ve tried to “balance” my work/home life, but honestly what does that mean? Some days I work way too much and some days I don’t work nearly enough, but in the end it all gets done, I guess…  Instead of walking around like a chicken with its head cut off, I think creating/writing a schedule that is suitable to get it all done will help me stay on track and focused.  I bought a calendar at the beginning of the year with a to-do list for each day – I’m going to use that starting NOW!

2. Don’t Obsess.  I’m a bit of a perfectionist and sometimes need to just let go. The house doesn’t have to be spit-spot clean every day. Recently I embraced some new cleaning regiments to make our home feel cleaner quicker and that has really been helping.  With 3 kids a clean / organized home 24/7 just isn’t possible.  I’ve been designated the 30 minutes before the kids get home to straightening up the house that way when they walk through the door, the focus is on them & their homework.  I really like giving them my 100% attention when they get home from school.  I feel that is important.  Cleaning can wait.

3. Do it NOW.  Often the thoughts that linger in my head are those of things that I need to do, but haven’t yet done – Sign my son up for baseball, call my Aunt, make an appointment for a physical, get an oil change.  Again those 92 different things that have to be done.  I am absolutely going to stop thinking about doing them and instead either do them RIGHT when I think about it or make a to-do list, so the thought leaves my brain allowing the opportunity for more inspiration to filter in.

4. Plan Ahead.  Planning ahead is huge.  One of my big downfalls as of late is meals.  Lately, I’m often found looking in the refrig/freezer at 4:30 for what I should make for dinner. Those nights, I become so stressed because I end up scrambling and the result is often pizza or something I really don’t want our family to eat.  On days when I plan ahead, and I take chicken out to defrost the night before, or better yet, put something in the crockpot at 8am, goodness our nights are so much easier + happier.  This means, planning ahead makes everything run so much smoother.

a few more easy + manageable ways to change + renew your life.  all things I am working on as well…

> read more – trashy. fact. fiction.  who cares, but just read more.  Maybe join a book club…

> eat breakfast – on the days I don’t eat breakfast, I snack and not on good food.  breakfast is important.  eat breakfast.

> say no – saying no can be hard.  learning to say no is important.  say no.

> stop watching the news – the news is an inspirational sucker.  I just can’t deal with the sadness.  news is important, but I never feel good after watching it.

> take a shower – shower + dress every day, even when you have no place to go. it’s important and you really do feel so much better!

> smile – smile. smile more. smile a lot.  it’s important to smile for others but more so for you.

> accept perfect now – today is perfect.  embrace the beauty now.  tomorrow is a gift.  this moment we are living in is the most important.

> rid the guilt – don’t hold on to something that’s not worth the time or effort.  if it’s eating at you, fix it.  if you tried, let it go.

> eat good – real food is so important.  eat good.

> free the mind.  do yoga. meditate. just be. do what is relaxing to you.

> write it down.  keep a notepad closeby.  always.  write it down.  rid it from your mind.

Those are just a few thoughts + ideas of what I plan on focusing on throughout the year to come.  It’s amazing how easy they seem, but how hard they can be to implement.  I am feeling so refreshed + inspired after my time away this weekend and it already has the Mister & I talking about our next get away.

How do you carve out me time? How do you get inspired?  What is your focus for the year?

>>> Deal Watch!

If you’re looking to unwind & spend some “me time” for yourself, right now you can Save $2.00 at Target when you buy any TWO (2) participating magazines titles (All You®, Real Simple®, PEOPLE®) from 3/15-3/28 while supplies last – what a fantastic deal.

Also, Save 15% on select special issue magazines which include PEOPLE® Crimes of Passion, National Geographic® 100 Journeys of a Lifetime, TIME® Mark Twain, LIFE® Lincoln while using the Target Cartwheel app. Available until 4/17/15, while supplies last.

Savvy Storage Solutions using Baskets

Baskets – for toys, laundry, books, and more – are great storage solutions to beautifully organize and give a stylish edge to any space in the home. Baskets not only can control the clutter, but also add a pop of color + texture.

As I look around my home while putting this post together, I realize I have a lot of baskets – all are so different because of the unique purpose each serves.  With so many basket options out there in stores + on the web, it can be a bit overwhelming to decide on what will work best for your needs & space.

Here are my favorite baskets for the many spaces + uses in the home.

Savvy Storage Solutions using Baskets: Basket resources for the linen closet, shelves, laundry, toys, and more!  Inspiration + Tips on choosing the best basket(s) by Jenna Burger Design,


> Laundry

Yellow/White Stripe Hamper / Seagrass Basket  / Natural Drawstring Hamper with Border / Nesting Floor Baskets

> Linen Closet / Bathroom Storage

Bamboo/Jute Basket / Wire Utility Basket / Teal Basket  / Yellow Folding Storage Bins

> Shelf Storage

Wood Storage CrateWire Baskets / Emory Basket / Green Lidded Box /

> Toys

  Half Tone Basket / Alphabet Floor Bin / Mercado Basket  /  Yellow Lattice Bin

Aren’t those some beauties?!

All so colorful and unique…  All serving a different purpose!

When on the search for a basket or a collection of baskets, there are a few things to keep in mind…

Purpose / Use

Keep in mind the purpose of  the basket(s) and/or the intended use.  A collection of photos would be best in a smaller + shallow basket / bin, whereas storage for blankets is ideal in a larger + roomier style.  Toys can often be the most challenging items to contain because of the amount and the vast range of sizes.  Have multiple baskets for different sized items. Look for a basket/bin that is deep with a wide opening for larger items (hampers work great for these types of toys), while smaller baskets are perfect for items like Legos, figures, etc.

Savvy Storage Solutions using Baskets: Basket resources for the linen closet, shelves, laundry, toys, and more!  Inspiration + Tips on choosing the best basket(s) by Jenna Burger Design, www.jennaburger.comWith these fun + bright lattice baskets, there is finally a reason to let toys take over!


Depending on what you want to hold will help determine the size of the basket needed.  From large to small depending on the use – towels versus toys – there are a range of shapes and sizes.  Some have flat bottoms, others are rounded.   Some baskets stack, while others can “nest” in each other which will give you a collection of varying sizes. Know the approximate size you need BEFORE you start your search.

Savvy Storage Solutions using Baskets: Basket resources for the linen closet, shelves, laundry, toys, and more!  Inspiration + Tips on choosing the best basket(s) by Jenna Burger Design, www.jennaburger.comI adore these woven baskets with a pop of blue – perfect for the bathroom or linen closet


Who wants to buy something that will fall apart in a short time?  Not me!  Baskets can be pricey, but purchasing something that is durable + will last long makes more sense than wasting time & money buying something twice.  Look at what the basket is made – plastic, cloth, wood, jute – for the purpose of your purchase. Keep in mind who is using the basket.  Plastic bins like this are great for toys (easy-to-clean & will keep their shape), where this seagrass basket is the perfect catch-all for laundry.

Savvy Storage Solutions using Baskets: Basket resources for the linen closet, shelves, laundry, toys, and more!  Inspiration + Tips on choosing the best basket(s) by Jenna Burger Design, www.jennaburger.comHow fun is this stenciled wood crate. Perfect for the living room shelves to hold CDs, pictures, or your old vinyls!


There is such an amazing selection of storage baskets on the marketplace and not only do they serve the incredible purpose of holding things, but they also bring color + texture + layers to a space.  Adding depth with accessories & layers, is the key to making a room warm + inviting + whole.  No matter what the function, baskets are ideal for bringing a fun pop of color to a space.  Whether on the floor or on the shelf, the addition of colorful basket to hold toys, books, or blankets, can truly enhance and change a space.

Savvy Storage Solutions using Baskets: Basket resources for the linen closet, shelves, laundry, toys, and more!  Inspiration + Tips on choosing the best basket(s) by Jenna Burger Design, www.jennaburger.comColorful baskets, like the fun style made of balsa wood found on the shelves of this cabinet, not only corral trinkets + toys, but they add depth & texture too.


I hope I’ve inspired you with all the possibilities that baskets can bring to the home… not only for function , but also for style!  If you want to see more options specifically for toy storage solutions, pop on over to My Daily Bubble where I am sharing 11 more favorites

11 Options for Stylish Toy Storage

6 Ways to Make a House Feel Instantly Clean

Clean is such a great word, isn’t it?!

When something is clean (or tidy) it puts a smile on my face.

As a working mom of 3 who is hustling + bustling 24/7, finding easier ways for getting things accomplished around the house has become my way of life!  My motto #keepitclean the easy way…

When Bona, the industry leader in floor care products, reached out to me about sharing my favorite tips + tricks for keeping my home clean, I knew it would be a perfect time to share my housecleaning secrets (and my love for their floor cleaner since I already owned it).   When friends + family come over, I totally have them fooled thinking I’ve spent hours mopping & scrubbing.  hahaha.  No more are the days with endless hours for lengthy, lavish meal prep or saturday mornings scrubbing the bathroom & cleaning the floors till every surface is spotless + gleaming.  From skating lessons to baseball, from playdates to grocery shopping, my time is limited, so cleaning typically doesn’t get top priority.

To make the most of the precious hours I have for housecleaning (which is pretty close to 5-10 minutes a day), I have come up with some time-saving techniques and smile-making strategies that make my home look like I spent hours scrubbing every surface – boy do I have y’all fooled…

Tips + Tricks + Secrets to make a house feel instantly clean (and showroom ready)!  It only takes a few minutes a day...

1. Reset the House

In my OCD days, every room was spit-spot clean every moment of the day.  With 3 kiddos now, that’s impossible and I am fine with that (actually happier to be honest – I am still working on living with intention and embracing our beautifully imperfect home), but I do like our pad to be clutter free if possible especially when the kids go off to bed.  Each night about 10 minutes before bedtime, they “take a tour” and tidy up / put away / throw out any toys or papers that are lying around.  For our littlest lady, I pitch in to help.  Picking up the toys, clearing the clutter, and filing away papers + bills each night before heading to bed only takes 5-10 minutes, but it’s such a small amount of time to get the house back in order to keep it under control.

Reset the house... 1 of 6 ways to make a house feel instantly clean (and showroom ready)!  It only takes a few minutes a day...

In our home, 7 pm is round em’ up, clean up time…

Reset the house... 1 of 6 ways to make a house feel instantly clean (and showroom ready)!  It only takes a few minutes a day...

I’m fine with toys + papers out & about all day, but it feels so nice when the kids are off to bed and everything is put away and then to wake up the next morning to a fresh, clean space.  Of course, it won’t stay like that for long, but for the small amount of time it is something to treasure.

2. Chore Day

Doing a little each day is better than doing a LOT one day.  I have found matching a specific chore with a day of the week has been a lot more manageable than letting everything pile up to tackle all at once (which used to be the weekend and who wants to clean on the weekend? Not this gal).

Mondays – laundry, Tuesdays – bathrooms, Wednesdays – floors, and so on… By designating a specific task on a specified day, everyone in the house knows what to expect and it allows everyone to help pitch in (the incentive of allowance will probably also help).

My go-to for learning this method was Becky of Clean Mama.  She has a lot of great posts on creating a cleaning routine.

Create a cleaning routineHouse Cleaning made EASY!3. Clean the Floors

In our home, I have chosen Wednesdays for floors, but honestly I vacuum almost every day.  The floor just never seems to be without crumbs.  For years, I used a steam cleaner for the wood floors, but about 4 months ago I gave up on it because of the length of time it was taking (longer than my alotted 5-10 minutes a day).  I ditched the clunky steamer for the Bona Hardwood Floor cleaner.  I would never go back!

This is the product I use and just look at that before & after…

Clean the floors - one of many Tips + Tricks + Secrets to make a house feel instantly clean (and showroom ready)! It only take a few minutes a day...

I will tell ya, I have used what I thought was similar handheld spray cleaners before, and there is no comparison.  This floor cleaning “mop” is a little more expensive, but SOOO worth the cost.  I can now clean my hardwood floors in my alotted 5-10 minutes! #winning

With everything in our home, I try to go green, but with my easier is better approach, sometimes I have to compromise.  When I gave up the steamer, I wasn’t thrilled about using yucky chemicals BUT was pleasantly surprised when I found the Bona products because they are non-toxic and GREENGUARD certified. SCORE! They have solutions for not only hardwood floors, but also for wood furniture and stone/tile/laminate – all making cleaning EASIER – there’s that fabulous word again

No more crumbs.  No residue.  Just gleaming + clean floors!

Clean the floors - one of many Tips + Tricks + Secrets to make a house feel instantly clean (and showroom ready)! It only take a few minutes a day...

Here is a fabulous $3 off coupon (click over to print out – this is not the actual coupon)

$3 off coupon for Bona floor products

Whether you are a hard-core cleaner (I’m so not!) or the type who quickly wipes the dust away (yes, that’s me raising hand), everyone approaches cleaning a little differently.  With the angst of spring cleaning right around the corner, opening those windows & getting ready for spring is top on my list! Here’s a fun chance to look at your cleaning personality with Bona’s #KeepItClean Personality Quiz.  Take the quiz and get a chance to win a Bona Hardwood Floor Mop Express, as well as a year of cleaning services for your home and the Grand Prize: a trip for 4 to Hawaii! The thought of a trip to Hawaii sounds amazing right about now…

4. Everything has a Place

From stray buttons to paperclips, designate a specific spot for everything in the home to take away the guessing game of “where should this go?”… which only wastes more of your precious time & energy.  Using baskets, bins, bowls, and boxes choose a place for everything.  Be gone with the junk drawers.  Once you take the time to organize & set up the space for those little but necessary things, there is no extra time needed in your every day schedule to deal with it.

For me, this step is still a work in progress but with the ‘everything has a place’ mindset, the guess work and thinking has been eliminated.  Shoebox tops, cereal boxes, and other similar cost-free items make great organizational holders. Check out this organized drawer by Jen of I Heart Organizing

Cereal Box Drawer Dividers to stay organized!

5. Ask… (and if all else fails, Delegate)

With a little time & teaching, kids can help and often want to help (and if they don’t, then delegate – you want XYZ, then help out).  Starting from a young age (it’s much easier than asking them to start helping when they’re 10), have your kids help out around the house.  From the smaller tasks of putting away the toys they take out, to sorting the colors vs. whites, to cleaning out the dishwasher, kids 3+ can help out around the house.  I have found with my kiddos, they are very proud when they help with a task or do something new.  At 8, he knows how to wash dishes, unpack the dishwasher, sort/fold his laundry.  I find the more they do, the more they understand how long tasks take.

Have the kids pitch in - one of many Tips + Tricks + Secrets to make a house feel instantly clean (and showroom ready)! It only takes a few minutes a day...

6. Wash the Dishes & Make the Bed

2 simple + easy tasks that will instantly make you feel better & put you at ease – wash the dishes & make the bed.  As soon as you get out of bed, make it right away.  It’s amazing how much happier I feel throughout the day when I walk into my room and the bed is made… Instant Smile!  Same with the dishes – when I walk by the sink and there is a pile of dishes, it’s like they are calling my name- “wash me, wash me”.  Instead just do them throughout the day instead of letting them pile up to be a heaping mound by days end.  Make breakfast, do the dishes. Have a snack, put the plate directly into the dishwasher.  After lunch, clean up the 1-2 plates.  Again, a little is faster to complete & easier to manage.

Make the bed - one of many Tips + Tricks + Secrets to make a house feel instantly clean (and showroom ready)! It only takes a few minutes a day...from my master bedroom refresh last year

Being honest here, my bed (and overall room for that matter) does NOT look this pristine on a daily basis, but it’s what I strive for…  Sometimes having a mental image (or an actual picture) can help the process of cleaning / tidying up be faster + easier + more manageable because the result & smile / happiness it brings throughout the day will be worth the effort!  Even though at the moment I often feel my house is a wreck, I can look back at pictures and know the potential for beauty is there if I take the few extra minutes to jazz it up.

There really is no miracle solution to cleaning the house in 5 minutes, but these are the easy + manageable ways I use on a daily basis to make our house feel clean + look tidy!


HUGE Giveaway!

Don’t miss out on the chance to win a trip to Hawaii OR house cleaning services for a year! Both would be amazing – which would you want more?  Play to win by take Bona’s cleaning personality quiz.


Disclosure: This post is sponsored post by Bona #BonaBuzz #KeepItClean.  I was compensated for my time to use the products and to share my thoughts + opinions. I was not told what to write and I only feature companies on my blog that I truly love and believe in 100%.


Digital Home Organizational Platform: HomeZada

HomezadaA few years back, I shared details on an online program called HomeZada, a digital home information platform that helps homeowners organize + protect +maintain their biggest financial investment + asset, the home.

Recently HomeZada revamped their site & platform to support and manage all the details for the entire homeowner cycle of owning, selling, and buying a home, which in turn will improve the value of the home + save money!


Big and small, we tackle a lot of projects in our home each year, but I have to admit I am the worst record keeper of receipts and home maintenance information.  Who knows the last time we cleaned our air ducts or had the furnace serviced.  This is how I believe HomeZada is truly a lifesaver!  As a homeowner, having all of this information about my home in one place makes life a lot easier.  Plus the updated platform on HomeZada is very user-friendly + easy-to-navigate + very helpful!

When you first sign up for an account, this is the dashboard you will see to add all of your information…HomeZada now empowers users to digitally manage all data throughout the cycle of buying, owning and selling a home.From this page, you will be able to manage your home inventory (furniture and decor), create a home improvement schedule (on a handy to-do calendar), plan future projects, track household expenses + budgets, and also sell your home!

Yes, you can even sell your home with the latest & greatest feature on HomeZada, called Zada Listing.

As you track your digital data about your home including photos, documents, etc. about your fixed assets + home improvements + home maintenance, you can now “publish” that info in the future when/if you decide to sell your home as a Zada Listing.  This can help market your home online with unlimited photos + documents, improve the value of your home, and build confidence with buyers. Check out this sample listing

HomeZada now empowers users to digitally manage all data throughout the cycle of buying, owning and selling a home.
This new feature can also be used by Real Estate Agents as part of their online marketing strategy to differentiate your home.

No longer is Homezada only for managing your home today, but it really can be used throughout the entire homeowner lifecycle. Here is a breakdown of how this platform will work for the homeowner, the seller, and the buyer…

HomeZada now empowers users to digitally manage all data throughout the cycle of buying, owning and selling a home.


> Protect your home’s inventory in case of natural disasters or other unpredictable events with a portfolio of photos and documents
> Keep your home safe to live in with expert and timely seasonal reminders of home maintenance tasks
> Preserve your home and its efficiency by tracking and managing all of your home improvement projects


> Make your home stand out from the rest and dazzle buyers with a Zada Listing
> Share photos and documents of all the details of your home
> Show completed projects and maintenance schedules


> Have access to a comprehensive overview of the home through pictures, videos and documents easily accessible online
> Save time and energy by finding a home that matches your goals and needs by really understanding the details of the home
> Feel confident in your purchase when obtaining the complete digital copy of the Zada Listing

Pricing and Availability

> For homeowners, HomeZada offers both a free & premium account ($59) option.

> For sellers, HomeZada provides a six-month period to publish a Zada Listing for $75 as a one-time fee.

> For buyers, you’ll need to become a premium member + there is a $90 one-time fee for the Zada Listing Data.

If you are on a mission to get organized (aren’t we all?) & would love to have all the details of your home in one place, then this platform is for you!  This is a sponsored post for HomeZada, but all thoughts + opinions are 100% my own.  I only feature & give a thumbs up to companies I truly value!

Top Paint Colors for Black Walls + Painting a Black Wall in the Living Room

Black has been on the brain and here are my TOP PAINT COLORS FOR BLACK WALLS

TOP BLACK PAINT COLORS for any room in the home! Paint Color roundup by Jenna Burger Design,

From bronchitis to a broken furnace to dealing with bitter below-zero temps, it has been a bustling few weeks.  But the biggest focus of my spare time around work & kids activities has been going BLACK in the living room.

Black is bold.  Black is neutral.  HOW TO MAKE BLACK WALLS WORK in every space of the home. I chose Valspar Black Heron for the living room fireplace wall and the color is a soft charcoal black! More @

A few weeks back, I mentioned my plan of action to completely change the living room upon selling almost all my furniture to a friend.  Even though they were material things and didn’t work for the space, I held on to them way too long.  Once the room was cleared out, I felt freed.  It was an interesting feeling to feel liberated by furniture.  Typically I give the advice to others to just let it go, but it ‘s easier said than done.  Anyway, part of the plan for changing the space was to paint the walls + the mantel.  Over the years as the paint hues around our home have evolved to more cooler tones, the living room space was one of the last to be updated.

Ever since choosing navy for my office (check out my favorite navy paint colors), I have had a passion for deep + dark hues with whites + lights layered in.  I’ve also been dying to paint a wall black.  Crazy sounding to some, yes, but it’s such a dramatic, fierce, and strong color (here are 23 inspirational spaces that black on the wall is awesome).  I knew black was finally going to get it’s moment in the new living room space of our humble abode.

By-Bye orange…

Black is bold.  Black is neutral.  HOW TO MAKE BLACK WALLS WORK in every space of the home. I chose Valspar Black Heron for the living room fireplace wall and the color is a soft charcoal black! More @

Hello Black! I know it looks blue in the pictures, but it’s black.

Black is bold.  Black is neutral.  HOW TO MAKE BLACK WALLS WORK in every space of the home. I chose Valspar Black Heron for the living room fireplace wall and the color is a soft charcoal black! More @

A before and after of the overall wall will give a better sense of the change in color…

Black is bold.  Black is neutral.  HOW TO MAKE BLACK WALLS WORK in every space of the home. I chose Valspar Black Heron for the living room fireplace wall and the color is a soft charcoal black! More @ www.jennaburger.comThe color I chose for the fireplace wall is Valspar Black Heron and it’s a soft, charcoal black that in my opinion resembles the coloring of a chalkboard.  It has a slightly blue undertone and looks awesome with the other lighter hues I used in the room – Valspar Silver Thistle Down on the other walls and Valspar New Ream for the fireplace.

Even though the wall is darker now with the black paint color, the overall room feels so much larger.

With the in-progress picture above, you are seeing a sneak peek of what is to come.  Here are more details on what will be going on with this wall…

Black is bold.  Black is neutral.  HOW TO MAKE BLACK WALLS WORK in every space of the home. I chose Valspar Black Heron for the living room fireplace wall and the color is a soft charcoal black! More @

Moulding.  Accessories.  Layers.  A lot more is to come before this room is complete, but progress is being made starting with the fabulous, new black wall!

Choosing the Best Black

Black paint for walls is a great neutral choice other than the typical gray, taupe, or beige.  Black is bold, unexpected, and a beautiful hue to add white + lighter layers.

Like the array of white paint colors to choose from, there are just as many blacks and there are a few things to consider to deciding on the best black for you…

Tips for choosing the BEST BLACK paint color for your room!

3 factors to choosing how a black wall color will read in a space depends on:

1. the natural light filtering in during the day

2. the artificial light in the evening

3. the undertones of the paint color

After looking at too-many-to-remember black paint colors, here are my favorites:

TOP BLACK PAINT COLORS for any room in the home! Paint Color roundup by Jenna Burger Design,> 1 – Valspar Black Raven (a soft black with a slight blue undertone)
> 2 – Benjamin Moore Black Satin
> 3 – Valspar Kettle Black
> 4 – Behr Totally Black (a true black hue as seen in the boy room makeover by the Hunted Interior)
> 5 – Farrow & Ball Off-Black
> 6 – Valspar Black Heron (the color I chose)
> 7 – Benjamin Moore Black Suede
> 8 – Benjamin Moore Oynx
> 9 – Benjamin Moore Black Beauty (a warm black that works beautifully with stained wood as seen in the home of Making it Lovely)
> 10 – Valspar Dark Kettle Black (a deep black as seen in the bedroom makeover of Oh Happy Day)
> 11 – Sherwin Williams Caviar
> 12 – Benjamin Moore Black Berry
> 13 – Behr Cracked Pepper

You know you want to paint something black now…   So what black will you choose for your next painting project?! 

Embracing the Beautifully Imperfect Home

Live with intention by embracing your beautifully imperfect home NOW!

As the snow is piling up in my neck of the woods (it’s about 3′ + high) , as of late I’ve been spending a lot of time indoors.  As much as it feels suffocating at times, it’s also been enjoyable to take in the beauty of our home that is coveted by the surrounding walls & roof above.

I started out the year with a focus – not a goal because that is just too overwhelming for me – to live more with intention.  Living with purpose and meaning isn’t easy but with mindful thoughts, I’ve taken on less with more intentional focus.  Believe me, it hasn’t been easy and it’s not every day that I ‘live in the moment’, but I have gotten a wee-bit better and as long as I work on it, I feel like I am going in the right direction.

Embracing the Beautifully Imperfect Home

As I continue to strive towards living with intention, I am also working on accepting + embracing the beautiful of today. The beauty that lies within our 4 walls NOW.  I wrote an article recently for a local magazine and I was asked by a few friends to share it as it’s something many feel, but sometimes have difficulty expressing (as do I and admittedly it took me 2x longer than anything I’ve ever written before.  Tapping into my deeper, more meaningful side doesn’t come easy).

Living with Intention quote

When decorating a home, it can often be difficult to accept the now because of the constant striving for better or more so, the striving for perfection. There is no such thing as the perfect home, the perfect furniture, or the perfectly decorated walls. A home is more than the roof above and the 4 walls that surround us, it’s a place memories are made with unpredictable messy moments and a place we should embrace today.

In our Pinterest-perfect world, it can often be debilitating to do your own thing because the bar has been set so high with the best holiday crafts, the gorgeous room makeovers, and the looks-to-go-to-eat desserts. The reality is though on any given day in my home, no room is magazine-ready or perfect for Pinterest. There are dishes in the sink, crumbs on the floor, and those pictures I’ve been wanting to hang are still sitting in the corner. A home shouldn’t be about striving for the ideal or the perfect, but instead should truly be filled with what is most meaningful and decorated how YOU want, which in turn will bring the most acceptance, happiness, and joy.

Embracing the Beautifully Imperfect Home

Admittedly as a Designer, I often feel it’s expected that my home look perfect, showroom ready when someone comes through the door, but the reality is like most, I live in a chaotic, busy home of 5, and perfect is impossible. As I’ve gotten older (and a little wiser), I have learned (and am still learning) to let go of every room looking photo-ready at all times. As much as I want my home to look perfect, it already IS perfect and that is beauty. The imperfections and the lived-in feel are what make a home beautiful and meaningful. Even though I have a list of changes and updates, I accept and embrace the NOW which means slowing down and enjoying what we have today. This is our life; the home we’ve created. For others, it means accepting the imperfect, unfinished space instead of putting off doing things because perfect is too hard or too much work. Letting go of the Pinterest-perfect ideal will open up the opportunity to take risks to create a home that’s always been desired. Like the old saying, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.

I recently received the book, It Doesn’t Have to be Perfect to be Beautiful by MyQuillyn Smith, a.k.a. The Nester, and cover to cover, it was eye opening and freeing. Even though I live and breathe design every day, it allowed me to accept our now home and confirmed that embracing what I already have created, is beautiful. Photo-ready with everything picture-perfect isn’t welcoming and it isn’t relatable. What is inviting about not being able to put a coffee cup on a table or move a pillow to sit on the sofa?

Embracing the Beautifully Imperfect Home

We all have different styles and there is no one size fits all. Decorating a home is a process that is ever-evolving and what’s most meaningful is the intangible beauty that resonates with love and laughter. A perfect home is what you make of it and its beauty is already there. A home is most meaningful when it is unique, personal, and authentic. And that is beautiful…

Embracing the Beautifully Imperfect Home

– Live with Intention –

Living Room Makeover: Black + Bold + Budget

Happy Wednesday my friends!

I am so excited to share that another room makeover is on the horizon.

This time last year, the focus was on the 2nd floor spaces (master, kids rooms – boy & girl, bathroom), but now it’s time to head back down to the first floor to give the living room a freshening up.  You might be thinking that we are always changing/updating the rooms in our home, but actually the living space, where we hang out as a family, hasn’t been touched since the day we moved in.  And no it’s not the blue room as I was asked by a friend the other day when chatting about my plan of action, but instead the orange room (the tall space with the orange accent wall & taupe fireplace).

Here is what it looks like now…

Living Room before

This room, our family’s everyday hang out spot, is a large + open + bright space. There is a big window on one side, a focal point fireplace centered on the far end of the space, and a large opening opposite of it that connects to the remainder of the first floor spaces (check out how the kitchen, dining, and living spaces are one large open flow in this picture that I shared at Christmas).

The burnt orange wall has been the backdrop of many mantel creations & Christmas displays, but as I’ve been transitioning our home to more cooler colors (check out all the paint colors of our home) over the years, the warmer hues in this room are feeling dated & non-cohesive.  Additionally I’ve had ideas flowing for a long time on how this room would function better with different furniture.  All of the elements in this room came with us from our previously house.  As much as we love this sofa, it was a great fit for the room it was purchased for, but never fit right in this space.  Having a hard time letting go (yes there is sentimental attachment to many of the pieces we own), we knew it was time to be passed on and one day the perfect opportunity fell into our laps…

Earlier this month, a dear friend of mine  was moving into an apartment and was in need of everything. lightbulb moment I have lots of furniture!  Longstory short, we sold a bunch of our furniture to her including the sofa, rug, and large TV cabinet from this room.  Boy, did it feel liberating.  We were holding on to material things, but living in a space that we weren’t 100% loving + wasn’t functioning the best way possible.  So…  Once the furniture was out, the plan started coming together!

Of course, the new design couldn’t begin without a mood board…

Proposed living room mood board: black + bold + budget for this new space.

And this is the proposed floor plan…

Proposed floor plan

The sofa will be on the opposite wall that it is now and the TV which will no longer be in an oversized cabinet will sit on a new media stand under the window.  This new layout is a lot more open making the fireplace the focal point of the space.

Onto the new paint colors on the walls…

If you checked out the title of this post, you may be wondering about the word BLACK.

As much as the new living space is going to be light  + bright, it’s also going to be dramatic and black is the answer!  The orange focal wall is going to be covered in deep, dark, bold black.

On the sides of the fireplace will be two new white bookcases which will contrast the deep black hue, similar to the inspirational picture above, and the mantel (which was taupe) will go white as well.   The transformation is already underway which I shared on Instagram over the weekend.  Here’s a peek…

Painting the wall black - the start of the transformation

Painting the wall black - the start of the transformation

The black paint color is Valspar Black Heron V120-3 in a flat sheen.  It’s not jet black, but more of a chalkboard, deep charcoal black.

Valspar Black Heron V120-3 in a flat sheen

The taupe colored mantel is covered up with the new color of Valspar New Ream V148 in a semi-gloss finish.  I first used a Kilz stain-blocking primer, then 3 coats of the new hue for full coverage.

Valspar New Ream V148 in a semi-gloss finish for the fireplace

The other 3 walls in the living room that were previously painted beige are going much lighter.  I chose the color Valspar Silver Thistle Down V120-1 in a satin finish, which will be a beautiful contrast to the dark fireplace wall.  Here is the color palette…

Proposed living room color palette

Of course, if you know me & my design aesthetic, I would never have only neutral colors like black, gray, and white.  There will absolutely be color, layers, and a whole lotta bold in this new living room space.  My design approach is to choose basic + neutral elements that are expensive & you don’t want to change in a short time, THEN add the color + texture + bold with layers – pillows, pictures, tables, lamps, etc.

These are a few more elements for the new space…

Layers + Accessories for the proposed Living Room makeover

+ I will be incorporating an amazing new rug that I just snagged at 75% off from Rugs USA.  Even though there is carpet already in the space, a rug will ground the furniture and the layout.  I chose this Ikat patterned rug with colors of deep + light gray, turquoise, red, and pink.  It  is going to tie in beautifully with the china cabinet that sits in the adjacent space.

New Rug

The other aspect of this makeover is the budget.

It’s slim, but I want to make smart purchases especially with the key elements like the sofa and chair that will get used and abused daily by our family of 5.  We are planning to purchase the sofa + side chair from a local furniture store and even though they’re a little more expensive than others we’ve seen online, the comfort + durability are important to us.  These 2 items are the big splurges of the makeover.  As for the other items, like the side table, lamps, accessories, etc I will be using my designer-on-a-budget cap to either find deals or high-end look for less items.  And of course, there is no room makeover – in our homestead – that isn’t complete without a few DIY projects!

So that’s the plan of action  + direction for this new makeover that is just underway.  We shall see where it goes from here… I hope you will follow along & as always, be inspired!

18+ Office Organizing Ideas: Purge the Piles of Paper

I am overwhelmed by the amount of savvy and helpful organizational ideas  + tricks out there on the web.  And the best part, most are inexpensive and easy to implement NOW.

Sometimes the hardest part of organizing taking the steps to start!  Instead of fretting, thinking, or planning, just jump right in today.  I still have lots more to go through around the homestead, but the inspiration I’ve shared for the kitchen + bathroom + closets over the past days are going to make a huge difference in my home.  And hopefully for yours as well!

As we wind down on the week, I have one more day of inspiring organizational ideas.  Today’s focus is on THE OFFICE…

Organzing ideas + tips for the HOME OFFICE!

From binders to pens to envelopes to books, we have so much stuff in the office that it’s often the spot in the home that is the messiest (the surface of my desk can rarely be seen – holding head in shame).   I’ve hunted the web and have so many great ideas to share with you.  Here are 18+ office organization ideas that you’ll love

The Office

Organzing ideas + tips for the HOME OFFICE!Office organizing solutions (not to be missed!) via BHG

Organzing ideas + tips for the HOME OFFICE!Organizing tools for the home office via Design Sponge

Organzing ideas + tips for the HOME OFFICE!DIY rustic pencil holder by Strawberry Chic

Organzing ideas + tips for the HOME OFFICE!Tips for organizing files by Mary Organizes

Organzing ideas + tips for the HOME OFFICE!Office space (one of my all-time favorite spaces) with lots of shelving for storage via BHG

Organzing ideas + tips for the HOME OFFICE!Home office organizational tips by Bright Bold & Beautiful

Organzing ideas + tips for the HOME OFFICE!Vertical magnetic calendar via Babble

Organzing ideas + tips for the HOME OFFICE!Mason jar cubbies via HGTV

Organzing ideas + tips for the HOME OFFICE!Desk caddy using shoe boxes + toilet paper rolls (genius idea) by All You

Organzing ideas + tips for the HOME OFFICE!

Organzing ideas + tips for the HOME OFFICE!Tips to create an organized office via A Bowl Full of Lemons

Organzing ideas + tips for the HOME OFFICE!


Organzing ideas + tips for the HOME OFFICE!More organizational ideas via BHG

 Organzing ideas + tips for the HOME OFFICE!


Organzing ideas + tips for the HOME OFFICE!Mail + bill center by First Home Love Life

Organzing ideas + tips for the HOME OFFICE!Organizing magazines (DIY + printable) by In My Own Style

After all those organizational ideas, you should never have a messy office again (holding head a bit in shame as my desk is currently filled with a piles of misc. papers, lol).  In all honesty, I feel so inspired & excited (yes, excited) about getting my office put together & organized!  It’s a process, but a little effort is worth the time.

Here is a recap of the week so far (click on the image to bring you to the original post)

Organizing for the Home: 30+ ideas, tips, & tricks to help organize every nook & cranny in the home

15 + Organizational Ideas for the BATHROOM: Tips + Tricks to help organize every nook & cranny of the bathroom!

13+ Organizational Ideas for CLOSETS: Tips + Tricks to help organize every all types of closets!

Organzing ideas + tips for the HOME OFFICE!

What a week it’s been!  From the KITCHEN to the BATHROOM to the various CLOSETS around the home to the OFFICE, I hope I have inspired you to get your butt organized with well over 50+ ideas, tips, and tricks!

For me the closets are the most difficult area in the house to keep organized.  With 3 kids continually growing out of clothes each season, I feel like I am constantly removing the old & buying new.  But the kitchen drawers are a close 2nd.

What space to you find in the home hardest to keep organized?

13+ Closet Organizing Ideas: Combat the Closet Clutter

It’s Day 3 of Organizing Ideas for the Home!

Over the past 2 days, I’ve shared over 30 ideas + tips for organizing the KITCHEN & the BATHROOM.  It’s now day three and we’re moving on to CLOSETS.  From the clothes closet, to the kids closet, to the entry closet, to the linen closet…

Let’s organize THE CLOSET!

13+ Organizational Ideas for CLOSETS: Tips + Tricks to help organize every all types of closets!

Whether large or small, with closets we often pack them till there full.  Stop the clutter, remove it all, and start fresh. Here are 13+ savvy solutions to combat the closet clutter… (links to the original source, creation, and/or tutorial are BELOW the picture)


13+ Organizational Ideas for CLOSETS: Tips + Tricks to help organize every all types of closets!Kids closet organization by A Bowl Full of Lemons

13+ Organizational Ideas for CLOSETS: Tips + Tricks to help organize every all types of closets!Closet organizing tips… for the rest of us by Life in Grace

13+ Organizational Ideas for CLOSETS: Tips + Tricks to help organize every all types of closets!How-to fold and organize t-shirts by Darkroom and Dearly

13+ Organizational Ideas for CLOSETS: Tips + Tricks to help organize every all types of closets!Rake necklace hanger by The Thinking Closet

13+ Organizational Ideas for CLOSETS: Tips + Tricks to help organize every all types of closets!Shower curtain rings used to hang tanktops via

13+ Organizational Ideas for CLOSETS: Tips + Tricks to help organize every all types of closets!Closet dividers by Under the Sycamore

13+ Organizational Ideas for CLOSETS: Tips + Tricks to help organize every all types of closets!Tips for a clean, well organized closet by Who What Wear

13+ Organizational Ideas for CLOSETS: Tips + Tricks to help organize every all types of closets!Brilliant tips for organizing your closet by DIY Home Sweet Home

13+ Organizational Ideas for CLOSETS: Tips + Tricks to help organize every all types of closets!Board game organizing idea by Money Saving Sisters

13+ Organizational Ideas for CLOSETS: Tips + Tricks to help organize every all types of closets!Organizing a small linen closet by Finding Home

13+ Organizational Ideas for CLOSETS: Tips + Tricks to help organize every all types of closets!Linen closet organization by First Home Love Life

13+ Organizational Ideas for CLOSETS: Tips + Tricks to help organize every all types of closets!Keep matching sheets together via Martha Stewart

13+ Organizational Ideas for CLOSETS: Tips + Tricks to help organize every all types of closets!Scarf + hat + glove organizer in closet by Wayside Sacraments

13+ Organizational Ideas for CLOSETS: Tips + Tricks to help organize every all types of closets!Great ideas for organizing an entry/foyer closet via BHG

13+ Organizational Ideas for CLOSETS: Tips + Tricks to help organize every all types of closets!Coat closet + Wrapping Organization by The Chronicles of Home

13+ Organizational Ideas for CLOSETS: Tips + Tricks to help organize every all types of closets!Entry shoe organizer by I Heart Organizing

13+ Organizational Ideas for CLOSETS: Tips + Tricks to help organize every all types of closets!Clutch / Pocketbook in wire baskets by Decor Fix

13+ Organizational Ideas for CLOSETS: Tips + Tricks to help organize every all types of closets!Cereal box drawer dividers by I Heart Organizing

13+ Organizational Ideas for CLOSETS: Tips + Tricks to help organize every all types of closets!An entry closet alternative with colorful wood crates for show storage by Thea’s Mania

And that’s a wrap for ideas to get all the CLOSETS in your home organized!

Here is a recap of the week so far (click on the image to bring you to the original post)

Organizing for the Home: 30+ ideas, tips, & tricks to help organize every nook & cranny in the home

15 + Organizational Ideas for the BATHROOM: Tips + Tricks to help organize every nook & cranny of the bathroom!

13+ Organizational Ideas for CLOSETS: Tips + Tricks to help organize every all types of closets!

Organzing ideas + tips for the HOME OFFICE!

Watch out for tomorrow’s post when I’ll be sharing organizational inspiration for THE OFFICE!