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Tag: Bathroom Renovation

Blah to Beautiful: Bathroom Makeover on a Budget

I feel like I’ve been talking (and thinking) about this bathroom for decades, but in reality, it’s really only been a few weeks.  Somehow it took longer to execute than anticipated but I can thankfully say….IT’S DONE!

All things considered, this was (simply) a minor bathroom makeover.  Even though I dreamed of new white tile, a dark wood cabinet, and a fresh new sink, I’m very happy with the updates and the outcome.  My “overhaul dream” bathroom will come someday in the future!

SO here it is ~

(sorry for the narrow picture, it’s a bit difficult to take photos in such a small space)

And here it was ~

Do you happen to remember a few weeks ago when I shared my handy dandy Sherwin Williams Paint Visualizer tool?? Well it worked like a charm.  When testing out some paint colors using the visualizer, I really liked how these two options turned out, so I combined the look…

…and this is how it turned out (in real life)~

My inspiration for the space started with this towel rack that I picked up on my first visit to Hobby Lobby.  YES, it was only a few short weeks ago that I went to Hobby Lobby for the first time.  WOW, I know!

I don’t think I mentioned this earlier in the post, but this bathroom is the kids (FYI-I envision my bath to look a bit more lux).  I wanted to make it fun and reflect their personalities.  I liked the colors and style of this numbers towel rack and thought it would be an adorable start to the space. Above the towel rack, my son painted this priceless one-of-a-kind piece of art.  (He had some limitations ~ I only gave him paints that matched the room…I know, I’m sneaky!)

So here’s another view of the before…
Mirror: GONE
Light Fixture: REPLACED
Cabinet: PAINTED
Medicine Cabinet: TRANSFORMED

It went from this…

To this….

With a fresh coat of paint on the walls and the cabinet, the kids bathroom took on a new life!  The before cabinet did not have hardware, so I added new stylish knobs to dress em’ up a bit.  There was also quite a gap between the countertop edge and the wall, so I added a tile sidesplash, and continued two rows at the backsplash.  It was so easy and I installed it the same way as I did for the powder room backsplash.

Did you happen to see the medicine cabinet?  I kind of skipped over that and don’t want to give too much detail away…but I completely transformed it from what it was before.  Stay Tuned for a future post!

As for the mirror, the existing was removed, and in it’s place, I chose a simple frameless oval with a beveled edge. It’s clean and understated (especially next to the medicine cabinet).  With a new lighting fixture (and GFI outlets), the electric is up-to-date and complements this newly modern-edge bathroom.

The finishing touches were topped off with my Comic Art Mod Podge Project.  Another post to come for details!

So that’s it!  A space that I dreaded looking at everyday (well numerous times a day since it’s at the top of the second floor landing) is now fun and refreshing.

O, and the shower curtain…I had it from our old house (bought it at Bed, Bath, and Beyond years ago). No joke, I didn’t even remember I had it until after I chose the paint colors, and realized it coordinated perfectly!

So blah to beautiful is possible on a budget!  From paint to accessories, the total for this bathroom makeover cost about $150 (the mirror and the lighting fixture were the most costly items).  Not bad!

Have you made over your bathroom lately?  Or is there a plan to do so in the near future?

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